For the best result and maximum creative possibilities it's a good idea to use combination of real musical instruments,
analog multi-track tape recording machine(s), some unique and specific to dub analog vintage sound manipulation equipment
and modern
digital processors,
digital recorders and
computer software tools.
Using computer also may help you out if you don't have allot of cash to spend. With
recording software and good quality computer
soundcard with multiple analog input-output channels you can use your computer as multitrack recorder, master mixdown recorder or even mixing desk and effect processor, using widely available plugins. DUB is a one of a kind art of re-mixing, and so, it would be safe to say, that the equipment and production techniques will dramaticly shape your image as dub-producer. Using older recording techniques and vintage analog gear will limit producer with two hands and one-shot mixing session, so the result is old school classic and more natural as performance. Using sophisticated digital programming and software tools gives you nearly unlimited controll over production details, unlimited fix/undo and automation, which widens producers creative possabilities, however it also may lead into unnatural and needlessly unpleasant to listen overproduced tracks. Keep in mind: on one hand, dub is a very free form of art with no rules, on the other hand, dub-listener is very demanding and absolutely unforgiving. As producer you are free, but at the end your creation must be a good reggae track with bone-heating bass-line, clear riddim, mind-spining sound of instruments or vocals and creative real-time to the beat effects manipulation. ... |
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